Thursday, March 30, 2023

Daily Devotion for Lent 2023 - Day 32

I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

                                                             3 John 1:4

Today, I'm thankful that The United Methodist Church has helped raise my children.

Both are now adults and I'm thankful for the people they have become.

As they grew, both were baptized as infants at Piedmont United Methodist Church.  Kyla was baptized by Scott Sharp and David was baptized by Craig Stinson.  Neither remembers it but both know about it and have seen pictures of the people who came and promised to support them in their faith.  I was fortunate to preside at their confirmations when they were sixth graders.

Both were active in the children's programs and were in lead roles in children's plays we produced at the church.  They also performed in a Christmas play after we got to Edmond.

The church afforded both leadership opportunities that they wouldn't have had in school.  Both loved going to as many church camps as they could during the summer months.  These also included our leadership camps.  Kyla was the CCYM (Conference Council on Youth Ministry) youth chair her senior year and was then an adult co-chair in college.

Kyla has also led in worship each Sunday through singing and her violin since high school.  Kyla gets in two worship services each week as she also plays at Wesley Worship every Monday night at Oklahoma City University. 

David recently got back from helping to lead the youth on a mission trip to Texas while serving as an intern with Edmond First.  I continue to hear good reports on how he handles the youth and doesn't let them get away with all the things he tried when he was their age!

Both of them relate well to adults and can carry on a conversation with no difficulties.  David attributes this to being raised in the church where lots of adults regularly checked on him growing up.

Their faith in Christ through the church has made them kinder people who are more sensitive to the outsiders among us.  They both have really good senses of humor and while I would like to take credit for that, the joy also can come from being nurtured and loved. 

As they continue to move into adulthood, I hope that their faith continues to be a priority for them.  Sometimes we take for granted the things that helped shape us for who we are today.  

What are ways that the church has shaped your life?  As we reflect on our own identity, I think we can all point to special people and experiences provided through the church that have touched our lives.

Maybe today for Lent, you could send them a note, an email or a text message letting them know they made a difference!

Kyla and David are helping with our 
Skyline Urban Ministry collection at church circa 2005.

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