Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 33 of Lent, Friday, March 22, 2013

Today's Reading: Luke 19:29-48

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday when we celebrate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  As we read Luke's account of this event, we see that the welcoming crowd is made up of Jesus' disciples.  Luke really shows us that there were more disciples than just the twelve.

Luke has the tradition of Jesus sending out 72 disciples.  He also has stories of women followers and disciples.  Now we get the sense that his disciples were the ones preparing the crowds for his entry.

Some of the Pharisees in the crowd try to stop the disciples.  Maybe they are afraid for their own lives if an insurrection was about to occur (we remember that this is the week of the Passover when all Judea was remembering their freedom from slavery in Egypt). Maybe they are afraid innocent people will be hurt.

Whatever their reasons, Jesus must continue his mission and he actually escalates the possibility of violence by making a scene at the temple.

Wave that palm but make it count!
We've all been guilty of turning a blind eye to keep the peace.  What does Palm Sunday mean to us today?  Is the waving of palms symbolic of our testimony to our Lord? Is Jesus asking for more than praise?

It may be time to take off our coats and throw them in the mud.  The King is not only passing by, he's leading us into life.

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