Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 24 of Lent, Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Guess what, kids?  It snowed last night!"

This might actually be believable this year as we've had some strange winter weather but I think spring is finally here to stay.

And with spring comes April Fool's Day.

Every year I usually tell the kids that it snowed.  It's a fairly harmless prank that used to work every time.  Alas, they are getting older and it is hard to use the same trick year after year.

I told Sheryl today that I was going to tell them that the Bishop changed his mind and we aren't actually moving.  She cringed and said, "I'll probably just listen from the next room."

I won't actually do that one - a little too cruel to play with their emotions that way but my mind seems to go to extremes.  It's a gift.
A prank in London going back to at least 1698.

It wasn't on April Fool's Day but I do remember a good prank I played in college.  It was Easter Sunday afternoon and we had an Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for the Wesley Foundation at OSU for those students that didn't go home.

Shannon Davis (now the pastor at Woodward First United Methodist Church) and I were in charge.  We decided not to hide the eggs but then go ahead and tell them that they were hidden all around Theta Pond.

We told everyone that this was a really tough hunt and only the most diligent would find any.  They looked for about 10 minutes before we revealed that there were no actual eggs hidden.  This was all on videotape and at this point, you saw the camera drop to the ground as we ran for our lives.

I'm not sure how we escaped being thrown into Theta Pond but the other students showed more grace than we did.

As you consider April Fool's, have a little fun with it.  But remember not to be cruel.

If you get punk'd, remember to be a good sport about it even if it really irritates you.

The best thing to do is to realize that people wouldn't go to the trouble if they didn't like you.

And remember, patience, joy, gentleness and self-control are all fruit of the Holy Spirit!

A good April Fool's song for the day.  Don't try this in Piedmont, kids!

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