Saturday, April 6, 2019

Daily Devotion for Lent 2019 - Day 28

Scripture Reading: Matthew 20:17-34 (NRSV)

What does your resumé look like if you had to write one for your salvation?

How do we judge ourselves and one another in relation to our spiritual achievements?

It is interesting that the third passion/resurrection prediction comes in between the parable of the workers in the vineyard and the request of James and John for glory.

The kingdom for which they are asking would be the right and left hands of the throne of Jerusalem when Jesus reclaimed it as the Messiah.  He tells them "you don't really understand what's going to happen."  He says this even though he has continued to tell them plainly about his death.

Jesus unbinds us from many things.
This shows the remarkable way that we can tune out things that don't fit with our worldview.

When the other disciples hear of the request, they begin to bicker.  What makes them better than us?

At this point, they become just like the workers arguing with the owner of the vineyard.

Then we see Jesus heal two blind men.  He opens their eyes and they follow him.  They were not there at the beginning as the disciples were but they now have a rightful claim to share the table with them.  These would certainly not have been valued by other factions in that day but within the kingdom of heaven, they hold a place of distinction just like anyone else.

Maybe their names were James and John.

Prayer for the day:

God, at times we feel the connection with you.
We feel loved and valued and cherished.
But when we hear others speak of their connection, 
we may question it because we know them.
Who are they to be loved in this way?
We forget that your grace cannot be exhausted.
Help us to live into the kingdom of heaven that Jesus teaches.
Open our eyes that we may see and follow.

Photo by Courtney via  Used under the Creative Commons license.

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