Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Daily Devotion for Lent 2021 - Ash Wednesday

Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1 (NRSV)

The Via Egnatia or Egatian Way
was the main east-west road
running through Thessalonica.
Paul likely trod these steps on 
his journey.  We seek to walk
where Paul walked this Lent.

As we begin our daily devotions for Lent this year, I have decided to read through some of the earliest letters we have in the New Testament by the apostle Paul.  While the letters are not dated, scholars have a strong consensus that Paul's first letter to Thessalonica was the earliest.  It was likely written in the 50's from Corinth.

My plan is to read 40 chapters (1 per day) while not posting on Sundays this year (which are technically not part of the 40 days).  This will take us through 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, and 1 and 2 Corinthians.  On Easter Sunday, I'll finish up with a final letter, Philemon, which is only one chapter long and has a nice resurrection theme to it.

So as we look at today's chapter, it is somewhat exciting to think about this being the earliest Christian correspondence that we have.  The Church is still in its infancy and reminds us that it didn't start without experiencing some major turbulence.

What stands out to me is Paul's use of his spiritual triumvirate, faith, love and hope in verse three.  We see him lift up "work of faith" which wording fits nicely in the theology of the later epistle of James.  If Paul were writing to us today, what would he describe as your "work of faith"?  How does our faith influence our actions?

The "labor of love" to which Paul referred may have been the hospitality they showed to Paul, Silvanus and Timothy when they brought to them the good news of Jesus Christ.  We see that even as they received this news, they began to share it with their neighbors and received persecution for their troubles.  Have you ever felt put upon for trying to help others among your friends and family?

Finally, Paul speaks of their "hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."  We revisit this as we wrap up the chapter with the notion that Jesus will return soon and rescue them "from the wrath that is coming."  They evidently had the spiritual belief that Jesus would be returning within the next few years - certainly within Paul's lifetime.  Of course, this would influence how you lived your life.

Our hope remains in Jesus Christ but I see the second coming differently from Paul.  Certainly, we have had generations of the faithful that have awaited his return.  But it may be that we need to re-interpret what his return means for us.  I have taken the return more in line with our help of the "least of these" from Matthew's Last Judgment.  As we give aid and comfort to the "least of these" we see the return of Christ.  Our spiritual sight may see Jesus in them and hopefully, they see Christ in us through our actions.  

As we seek to share the good news today, this becomes an important work of faith and labor of love.  And our hope remains in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer for the day:

God, as we begin another season of Lent, help us to keep our disciplines for our spiritual growth.  Let them shape us and make us more Christ-like.  In this way, may our witness be seen in a way that is helpful to the world.  We pray this in the name of Jesus the Christ.  Amen.

Photo by Carole Raddato via Flickr.com.  Used under the Creative Commons license.

All scripture quoted is from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


  1. Thank you Sam. I am looking forward to this Lenten journey with you.

    1. Thanks Ahnawake! I hope you are all doing okay through the cold and ice!

  2. I’m in the journey with you. Thanks for doing this.

  3. I’m in the journey with you. Thanks for doing this.

    1. Thanks, Charlotte - I appreciate you joining in! Blessings as we make it through the cold!
