Monday, April 4, 2022

Daily Devotion for Lent - Day 29

Scripture Reading: Luke 17:1-37

I really like the idea of partnering with God in today's reading.  Strong faith is not something that we can accomplish in a void because faith in the living God means that we are expecting God to work with us in this life.

We are not always thankful
for our siblings.
Notice that Luke places the faith of the mustard seed after the command to forgive repeat offenders!  When Jesus tells the disciples to continue to forgive the same person multiple times, they implore him to "increase our faith!"

I think this is the disciples recognizing, "We can't do all that forgiving alone!"

The illustration of the slaves reminds us to have humility in our accomplishments which is not always easy.  I think we prefer to have others think well of us and sometimes they may not notice all that we have done!  Yet, partnering with God means that we acknowledge our help in the matter.  It really puts to rest the concept of the self-made man (person).

The story of the ten lepers once again has a Samaritan as the good example.  Notice that Luke has this placed right after the notion of humility in our relationship with God.  As Luke ministers to a Gentile Christian community, it is helpful to see that "foreigners" are made well by their faith.  But it also helps the well-established in the faith from staying on their high horse.  As we partner with God, our blessings should be regularly acknowledged.

Finally, we have these apocalyptic images.  These can be scary when life is going well for us.  We don't harken for a quick return of the Lord to end the good thing we have going!  But, for those who suffer, the apocalypse may be a relief.  As in most things, our context means a lot.

So, if we are partnering with God, how can we bring about the return of the Lord for the suffering?  If the Kingdom of God is indeed among us or even within us as it may be translated, how do we share this truth with those in need?

It may be that we are causing little ones to stumble by our neglect.

As we are called to witness, it is often that our best witness needs no words.

Prayer for the day:

Loving God, do we see you within us?  Can you increase our faith so that we may offer grace - even to those we know don't deserve it?  Help us to love more fully, recognizing that our reservoir comes from you.  May we see that it is inexhaustible!  And as we share it, may we remember to return and give thanks to you for the ability to love more fully.  We pray these things in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Photo by medusahead via  Used under the Creative Commons License.

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