Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Daily Lenten Discipline

This will be the third year that I will blog a daily devotion for each day of Lent (yes, including Sundays!).  During my first year, I looked at a scripture from the Daily Common Lectionary and offered reflection on it.  Last year, I went through the entire Gospel of Luke and reflected on the passages daily.  

So what to do this year?

Kyla and David cool their feet in a stream after
hiking in Utah just north of Salt Lake City.
Where do you see God present here?
My plan is to take a page from the name of my blog and look for God in the world.  As of this writing, I will examine a current event and look through the lens of faith to see where God is present in this setting.  I believe this will be a helpful discipline for Lent as Christians see God as active rather than only alive in some distant past.

Each post will be scheduled to come online at 3:00 am if there are any early risers out there.  I'll also post the blog later that morning on Facebook and Twitter.  I would happily engage any comments from here or on the aforementioned social media outlets.

I hope that you have a contemplative Lenten season! 

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