Monday, March 29, 2021

Daily Devotion for Lent 2021 - Day 35

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 8

If this is what the preacher starts to 
look like to the parishioners, the
effectiveness starts to really drop!
Here we can see one of the earliest stewardship drives in the church.  Paul seems to be indicating that the church at Corinth may be better off financially than some of the other churches in the Mediterranean.  Corinth, as an important port, may have been a wealthier city and the church there may have had wealthier members.

There may have been questions about why Corinth had already given more than these other places and Paul is trying to show them that it was balanced with their ability.  As we look at percentage giving, if a person making six figures gives 10%, they would out-give in sheer volume someone making five figures who also donated 10%.  However, the person making five figures would likely find it impacting their lifestyle more.

Paul utilizes the idea of Jesus Christ becoming poor for our sakes.  We see here the concept of the eternal nature of Christ which stretches both ways in time.  The idea that he was at first rich indicates his heavenly glory prior to becoming mortal.  John's Gospel will later expound on this theology in the beginning of his telling.  But Paul relates to us how Jesus was willing to give up all for our sakes and how we should then be willing to provide the same for others.

This may have been as difficult in Paul's day as it is in ours.  If a person feels a disconnect with the ministry, it is much more likely that this person's support will wane.  But if they hear the story from the visiting missionaries from time to time, they are more likely to feel engaged.  Titus and other "brothers" are regularly making the rounds to the churches to keep them engaged in the mission.

As we think about this, would we even have the faith that comforts us today if they had not made these journeys and asked for support to expand the mission?

Today, we have some of the same difficulties.  Churches everywhere are trying to stay engaged with congregants during a pandemic.  We try to communicate the message in different formats and reach those who are unable to join us physically with varying results.  What might be effective for some - where they feel connected - may feel distant for others.  Fortunately, we are hopefully seeing the light at the end of this tunnel!

As things continue to change, how will we fund the ministries that will reach the generations to come?

Prayer for the day:

Generous God, we do understand that riches come in a variety of ways.  Some people who have great financial wealth may be impoverished spiritually.  Connect us with your mission once more so that our sense of purpose gives us greater peace.  May we see where our own generosity is connected with transformation.  We pray these things in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Photo by Mike Mozart via  Used under the Creative Commons license.

All scripture quoted is from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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