Monday, March 7, 2022

Daily Devotion for Lent - Day 5

Scripture Reading: Luke 3:1-38

John the Baptist is not pulling any punches in today's reading.  We should recognize his symbolism of baptizing in the Jordan River where the people of God first came into the Promised Land.  This is truly representative of new beginnings or starting over as the people of God.

The symbol of immersion is to be buried (under the water) and to be raised up again (emerging to a new life).  As Jesus is baptized, we see a foreshadowing in what is to come.  And we note that Luke's genealogy takes Jesus back to Adam where Matthew's begins with Abraham going forward.  Luke's going back to Adam may be a foreshadowing of the title we see Jesus use for himself, "Son of Man."

John's message for the people comes in a time of scarcity.  People are living under subjugation and stress is high.  It is easy to turn on one another.  

John reminds them that we are a community.  When we have more than we need, we should lift up those who don't rather than hoarding our toilet paper food and coats for ourselves.  It is interesting that Luke's Gospel also includes tax collectors and soldiers in this group coming for baptism.  Tax collectors were seen as sell-outs to the oppressing foreigners and soldiers were the oppressing foreigners!

Is it possible to include our enemies in the beloved community?  John bids them to not abuse their positions.  If they will abide by the contract given them and not use their positions to their advantage, then we may indeed abide together.

In a day when some United Methodists seem poised to separate, it becomes easy to divide into camps.  Us and them.  John seems to be offering a different way if we are willing to hear.  How does his sermon speak to you today?

Prayer for the day:

Loving God, as we live out our day, you remind us to ask you for no more than our daily bread.  Help us to apply this same sufficiency to our relationships.  May we not seek to save up more than we need or take advantage of our neighbors.  Allow us to be satisfied with who we are together in the moment.  And in doing this, may we see your kingdom come on earth.  We pray these things in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Photo by Rick Massey via  Used under the Creative Commons license.

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