Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daily Devotion for Thursday, March 8, 2012

Scripture Reading for Today: Psalm 19

Key verse for today: Psalm 19:1, "Heaven is declaring God's glory, the sky is proclaiming God's handiwork."

Sam with Kyla and David overlooking one of the valleys at Canyon Camp.
Photo taken by Sheryl winter 2012
I really understand the Psalmist in today's scripture.  When I get to hike in the Canyon, I am at peace with my Creator.  The Canyon is such a great place to be that I'm afraid I will fail to do it justice by my feeble descriptions.

Some of you may have hiked with me to this particular overlook.  It is at the end of the top of the second butte - one away from where the cross is located.  The swamp would be on our left as we look out from this view.

You can't see them in the picture but we are watching a huge flock of pheasants jumping the creek below one and two at a time - all in a row.  It is a magical time that I'm blessed to share with my children.  It is God's time - kairos time for you theologians.

Canyon for me has always been a thin place for those of you bent toward mysticism.

Last summer after taking a group of youth to this very spot during a hike, I shared that God carved out this canyon over millions of years through the water that flowed through here.  We are fortunate recipients of that  handiwork.

Once on a confirmation retreat about 14 years ago, I took our small group on a night hike over by the natural slide.  We climbed up to the top and onto an outcropping.  We didn't have any light pollution from the camp at this particular spot and the stars were incredible. Just as I was talking about how God created this marvelous universe, we all saw a shooting star blaze across the sky.  Psalm 19:1 came alive!

Another time when I was getting ready to lead worship around a bonfire out past the tabernacle, we were serenaded by several owls who shared a call to worship with us.

As you consider the natural places that you may have encountered God, you might pause at this time to give thanks to God for these.  What are your plans to get away and make a new memory?

I'm going back to the Canyon again.  I would love to show you the view in person.

Breath prayer for today:  Creating God, touch me through your handiwork.

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