Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Daily Devotion for Lent 2023 - Day 36

A friend loves at all times, and kinsfolk are born to share adversity.

                                                   Proverbs 17:17

Today, I'm grateful for my cabinet colleagues within the Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church.

2022-23 Oklahoma Conference Appointed Cabinet 

When Bishop Nunn called me in the spring of 2021 to go on the cabinet, I was taken aback.  Our son, David, was finishing his junior year in high school and I didn't feel that we would want to move at this point (I have PK friends that could point to their own move before their senior years).  

When he stated that it would be to the Crossroads District and that I wouldn't have to change homes, this took away that exit ramp.  I did have an idea of what would be coming regarding disaffiliation and the issues surrounding The United Methodist Church.

Strangely, I felt God's call on my life to get the church that has nurtured and cared for me through this rough season and so I accepted this appointment.

The issues surrounding disaffiliation have taken off at a greater pace than I anticipated.  As I spoke to my spouse Sheryl (who teaches marketing at the college level), she indicated that because there is an end date to disaffiliation, it induces a type of fire-sale mentality.

"You've got to get this deal while you can!  Act now because our churches are going fast!  Make sure you get yours before time runs out!"

She indicated to me that many people make purchases under this type of advertising that normally wouldn't if there were not a limited time frame involved.  When this happens, people often later will have buyer's remorse!  

This type of thinking usually captures the short-term gain without looking at the long-term consequences.  You may have heard about the small town church that disaffiliated that later asked the superintendent, "When are you going to send us our next pastor?"

As the cabinet has sought to stem the tide, there have been conversations that have tried our patience.  There have been things said to us verbally and in writing that are hard to set aside.

Fortunately, God has not left us to our own devices.  Because we are in a connectional system, we have each other with which we can process these things.  We start every cabinet meeting with a devotion led by one of our colleagues.  Usually, they hit right where they need to.

There have been tears but there has also been laughter.  It may be that the laughter helps us to stem the tide.  There's something about shared conflict that draws people close to one another.  When we add the element of faith, this becomes the church.

Our faith allows us to not only handle it but to see a day when we will be thriving.  

During Holy Week, we remember that the disciples blew it when Jesus was in his greatest need.  But we also will soon tell of how they came back together.  And the world was changed.

As you think about difficulties in your own life that you have overcome, where has God placed people along the way that have helped you see past it?  When have you shared something deep and meaningful with others that has drawn you closer to one another?  How does this speak to the resurrection to come?

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